
initial value, soon to be overwritten

VisualPandemicTheMap is a web-based (browser-based) application to display information about the spread, and impact, of coronavirus in a visual, and time-based way. You can watch the spread of cases, or deaths, over time, across counties in the United States. You can choose from a variety of views on the data; such as total deaths, cases/100K, deaths in the previous week, etc. In addition, you can compare current data to previous data; such as comparing cases/100K in one week to a previous week, either the immediately preceding week or a week several weeks before. Values can be displayed as counts or the percent change from the older time period.

The color of individual counties is used to indicate the value, and you can adjust the color range to distinguish the range of values visually. You can also get detailed numbers for counties by clicking on them or floating the cursor over the county.

I plan to add more data over the next weeks including deaths/cases by county, and positivity rates by state.

Please note this is a BETA version. It is still being developed and tested. Please send feedback, especially any incorrect, questionable, or confusing behavior, and also suggestions to


Thank you, and I hope VisualPandemicTheMap is useful to you,

Select a data set to use

Credit and thanks to
USA Facts
  for ongoing updates on deaths and confirmed/known cases by county

Eric Celeste
  for the JSON files of US counties and states

Schroeder, Jonathan P - University of Minnesota
  for a US county population csv file including GEOID10
    built on US Census Bureau data

United States Census Bureau
  for population information

Stack Overflow
  for helping me learn enough javascript to do this

Chris Lusto and all the people at Desmos
  for inspiring me to see what can be done with a web app
Privacy Policy
I neither ask for, nor collect, your personal information. If you choose to email me at the address below, you will be giving me your email address by your choice. I will not sell, giveaway, or otherwise distribute your address. I will only use it to reply to your email.

My web hosting service (www.ionos.com) collects some information on accesses to this website, and presents it to me fully anonymized, basically as the number of visitors per time period and such. For more details on what they collect, and how they process it, I would start with the following links.

Twitter may collect data from the Twitter feed and "follow" button on this page. I have attempted to suppress their data collection, but have no way to verify it. You can also control Twitter data collection through your Twitter account, if you have one....
Terms of service
While I have done my best to make coherent information available, I can claim neither responsibility, nor credit, for the sources of this information. I am merely trying to present it in ways that allow people to gain more understanding about the spread of the virus in the United States. This software and its results are offered AS IS with ZERO WARRANTY. If you find something wrong, confusing, misleading, whatever, please contact me and I will be happy to help or try to fix it.

Permission is given to use unaltered screen shots, and video, of the map, for any journalism, or educational purpose, as long as reference is made to this website (the text in the upper left corner of the map is sufficient).
I can be reached at Ed-AT-VisualPandemicTheMap.org

Thanks, and I hope VisualPandemicTheMap is helpful,
Ed Barth